ONE thousand Port Curtis Region native seedlings will be given away this month thanks to a new partnership between Santos GLNG and Tondoon Botanic Gardens.
In celebration of Planet Ark’s National Tree Day, five hundred garden starter packs, each containing two native seedlings, a bag of potting mix, gardening gloves and sunscreen, will be available for pick-up from the gardens from July 22 to 26.

Santos GLNG CEO Stephen Harty said the liquefied natural gas company was committed to having a positive impact in the community it had called home since 2009.
“Operating our LNG Facility on Curtis Island, we understand the importance of protecting an area’s diverse and unique ecology and heritage for future generations,” he said.
“For example, the LNG Industry Offset Plan adopted by Santos GLNG, the other LNG operators, and government, has resulted in more than 59 per cent of Curtis Island actively managed under a conservation management plan.
“Native plants are essential to the conservation of biodiversity, which creates healthy ecosystems that clean our water, purify our air, maintain healthy soil, regulate the climate, and provide us with food and other resources.
“We’re pleased to partner with Tondoon Botanic Gardens this year and help promote the planting of native habitat ‘stepping stones’ in our region with a variety of growth forms and plant types that will help build habitat complexity and support as many native animals as possible for years to come.”
Gladstone Regional Council Mayor Matt Burnett said the packs were an excellent way for residents, who couldn’t participate in this year’s Community Planting, to get involved in Australia’s largest nature care event by gardening at home, at work or at school.
“While National Tree Day is officially July 28, being out in nature is important, not only for our environment, but our mental health and wellbeing, so every day can and should be Tree Day,” he said.
“Creating patches of native habitat in gardens at our homes, our businesses, and our schools, makes corridors that allow local wildlife to move throughout the urban landscape and access food and shelter.
“The 1,000 seedlings being given away as part of the partnership have all been grown locally by the Tondoon Botanic Gardens Team and are made up of 59 native plant species including Lime Berry, Brush Senna, and Jasmine.
“We’re grateful to Santos GLNG for partnering with us and supporting this giveaway which is open this month to all Gladstone Region residents.”
The 500 Free Seedling Planting Packs will be available for collection from the Tondoon Botanic Gardens Administration Centre between 7am and 4pm from July 22 to 26, while stocks last.
For more information on the gardens visit
Create a Habitat Stepping Stone in your garden with:
A nesting box to provide a home for wildlife such as possums or birds.
Native trees to bring shade to your garden.
A pond for frogs and dragonflies.
Shrubby habitat for wildlife.
A shallow water bowl for lizards to drink from.
Rocks and grasses to provide habitat for lizards and skinks.
A bug hotel to provide shelter for insects.
A bird bath to provide water and a preening site.