GLNG commitment to support the domestic market
GLNG has signed a revised Heads of Agreement together with other east coast LNG Exporters to prevent a gas supply shortfall through access to secure gas for the east coast domestic market.
OPL represents the joint venture in the east coast domestic gas market. OPL is an active participant in the east coast domestic gas market. The majority of gas supplied into the LNG plant is from GLNG owned and operated gas fields. GLNG invests approximately AU$1 billion per year to develop and maintain these tenements.
GLNG will publish any uncontracted gas volumes and other service as they become available on this page. ​ ​
Uncontracted gas volumes are set out in the Section 34 Gas market code statement.
Existing Expression of Interest (EOI) for uncontracted gas
Expired Expression of Interest (EOI) of uncontracted gas
Gas Supply and Domestic Market Services​
Seasonal Gas Supply to the domestic market is a commitment to the Minister of Resources to make available up to 18 PJ (~100 TJ/day) in Q2 and Q3 2023. This service was very well supported by the domestic market and was largely subscribed. GLNG offered the similar service for Q2 and Q3 2024 which was fully subscribed by the domestic market participants. The expired notices for GLNG’s Seasonal Gas Supply are published below.
Seasonal Gas Supply to the Domestic Market
Other “Location Swaps” services will be reported here.
Volumes of committed uncontracted gas for sale in the previous period by customer type
Volumes of uncontracted gas offered because of extraordinary unplanned circumstances
Annual Delivery Plan​
Please contact - to register your interest in any of these products or services.